Me. In Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: What is your name?

A: It depends – really! My first name is Heidi – but I use Amanda. It is my middle name. Yet my mum and most of my family still call me Heidi

Q: How old are you?

A: I know I should say 29 or some funny answer like that, but I am proud to be in my mid-fifties. I have earned every day of my age and wear it like a crown.

Q: Where are you from?

A: Again, that depends! I was born in the Cotswolds area of England. I lived their a whole 6 weeks before my family moved to the US. I was lucky enough to spend months each year in England and even attended Primary school there. I also spent a lot of my life in Florida and now call Dallas Texas my home.

Q: Why are you starting a Blog?

A: I really don’t know. I think it is because I want to add to my hobby. It could also be that it is something my daughter may see one day years from now and get to know me on a different level. It could also be because I am a social person and well, we are in the middle of a Pandemic.

Q: What are you hobbies?

A: I am so glad you asked. I love to be crafty. I really enjoy making cards. I also do some scrapbooking and sewing. But I don’t sew normal things! I like to sew costumes; design and make an idea come to life. The crazier the better. Since my daughter left for college, I do a lot less of that these day. I also enjoy organizing. I know, I know, that is not a hobby. Well not for normal people! I just really enjoy finding ways to make my spaces better and an organized space just looks so, so good.

Q: What are you most proud of?

A: The answer really depends on what is going on! On many days, I am most proud of my daughter. She is an amazing singer and actress and can dance too! She is currently at college working on her craft and I am so excited for her future. Other days I am proud of the life I have built with my husband. We have made some good decisions in our life and had enough luck to get us near retirement, we don’t struggle with paying our bills and we get to go on vacation each year. But I am always proud that I kept the first promise I ever remember making. I promised my mum I would always have her with me. While we have lived in different homes, except when I was away at college, we pretty much lived in the same neighborhood and when she retired, she moved in with my husband, daughter and me. We now have what is called a Nexgeneration home. It is a home in a home. She has her own little full apartment with 2 bedrooms, a living room, full kitchen and bathroom and it is under the roof of our house. All the independence she can stand, yet just a hallway away.